Adding Apollo Devices To Hidden Networks
Thanks to Panzer from our Discord.
I took stock MSR1s, created a config file in ESPHome under HA, added the hidden networks and the fast_connect option, and installed via "plug into this computer." I plugged them into my desktop, downloaded the compiled firmware, and installed it via the web-ESPHome bit. Use "install," not "prepare for first use." The YAML file is below; the secrets file has the Wi-Fi info. After that, you can unplug it from your computer and plug it in somewhere else. (Please alter the "name" and "friendly name" to something unique for each of your MSR1 units in a way that works for you. In my example, this is my 6th unit.)
name: apollo-msr1-06
friendly_name: Apollo MSR1 06
ApolloAutomation.MSR-1: github://ApolloAutomation/MSR-1/Integrations/ESPHome/MSR-1.yaml
name: ${name}
name_add_mac_suffix: false
friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
key: makeyourownrandomkeyhere=
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
fast_connect: True