Bluetooth Tracking
For iPhone users:
Helpful links:
ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Hub
iBeacon support for ble_presence
ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon
iBeacon Region
- Install the iBeacon integration in HA
iBeacon Install Guide - Install the Home Assistant App on your device
Apple - Navigate to the HA settings
- Select Companion app
- Select Manage sensors
- Turn on the "BLE Transmitter"
- After opening BLE transmitter and turning it on, then scroll down to get the iBeacon unique ID
- Add it to the ESPHome yaml config for the MSR-1
- Be sure to add "power_save_mode: LIGHT" to the wifi section
# Example config.yaml wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password power_save_mode: LIGHT esp32_ble_tracker: binary_sensor: - platform: ble_presence ibeacon_uuid: '77a6438d-ea95-4522-b46c-cb2b4412076f' ibeacon_major: 100 ibeacon_minor: 1 name: "Jane's Phone"
- Should be all set!