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Sensor Definitions

Once added to Home Assistant you can configure different settings for your sensor. Below is what each setting does.


  • RGB Light
    • 3 RGB Neopixels. Click on the light bulb to change the color. Click on the toggle to turn on or off
  • Calibrate SCD40
    • Refer to the CO2 calibration guide. Place your sensor outside and click this button to calibrate the CO2 levels


  • Ammonia
    • Measurement from MiCS-4514 gas sensor
  • Carbon Monoxide
    • Measurement from MiCS-4514 gas sensor
  • CO2
    • True CO2 reading from the SCD40. This will be Unknown if you do not have the CO2 module. This can be calibrated following this guide but does come precalibrated: Here
  • DPS310 Pressure
    • Atmospheric pressure, used to better calibrate the SCD40 CO2 module
  • DPS310 Temperature
    • A worse measurement of temperature. This is more susceptible to internal heat buildup. Please use the SEN55 temperature
  • ESP Temperature
    • This is the temperature of the internal ESP chip. Think of it like your measured CPU temp on your PC
  • Ethanol
    • Measurement from MiCS-4514 gas sensor
  • Hydrogen
    • Measurement from MiCS-4514 gas sensor
  • Methane
    • Measurement from MiCS-4514 gas sensor
  • Nitrogen Dioxide
    • Measurement from MiCS-4514 gas sensor
  • PM < 10 uM
    • Measurement of particulates smaller than 10 uM
  • PM < 1 uM
    • Measurement of particulates smaller than 1 uM
  • PM < 2.5 uM
    • Measurement of particulates smaller than 2.5 uM
  • PM < 4 uM
    • Measurement of particulates smaller than 4




  • BME280 Humidity Offset
    • Allows you to adjust the reading of the “BME280 Humidity” sensor to match a known valueuM
  • BME280SEN55 Temperature OffsetHumidity
    • AllowsHumidity youmeasurement tofrom adjustSEN55, thewill readingbe ofmost the “BME280 Temperature” sensor to match a known valueaccurate
  • CO2SEN55 Calibration NumberNOX
    • SeeMeasurement calibratingof CO2:nitrogen Hereoxides from the SEN55
  • SEN55 Temperature
    • Measurement of temperature from the SEN55, will be most accurate
  • SEN55 VOC
    • VOC index from the SEN55


  • ESP Reboot
    • Performs a restart of the sensor
  • Factory Reset Radar
    • Sets the radar's move thresholds back to their original values from the manufacturer
  • g0-g8 Move & Still Threshold
    • Please refer to the radar tuning guide: Here
  • Radar Control Bluetooth
    • This allows you to turn on the LD2410's Bluetooth. This allows you to connect to the HLK Radar phone app if you wanted to upload new firmware to the radar unit (Not the MSR-1 in general, just the radar chip)
  • Radar End Zone 1
    • This defines “Zone 1” of the radar. It is a distance from the sensor that specifies what “Zone 1” is. It connects to the “Radar Zone 1 Occupancy” sensor. So if this number is set to “10” that means from 0 to 10 centimeters from the sensor is zone 1.
  • Radar End Zone 2
    • Same as Zone 1. This defines from the end of Zone 1, how far does Zone 2 extend
  • Radar End Zone 3
    • Like Zone 2, this defines how far from the end of Zone 2 does zone 3 end.
  • Radar Max Move Distance
    • Maximum distance for the LD2410 movement detection
  • Radar Max Still Distance
    • The max distance for the LD2410 still target detection
  • Radar Timeout
    • The time in seconds that the radar's presence will stay high after the target is lost.
  • SCD40 Humidity Offset - Removed In v23.11.01.1
    • Allows you to adjust the reading of the “SCD40 Humidity” sensor to match a known value.
  • SCD40 Temperature Offset - Removed In v23.11.01.1
    • Allows you to adjust the reading of the “SCD40 Temperature” sensor to match a known value