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Air Quality Sensor Comparison
Air Quality Sensor Comparison
Sensor Definitions
Once added to Home Assistant you can configure different settings for your sensor. Below is what ...
Make It Work Tech MSR-1 Review
Apollo MSR-1 Review starts at 31:22.
Smart Home Scene MSR-1 Review
Smart Home Scene MSR-1 Review
DrZzs MSR-1 Review
Apollo MSR-1 review starts at 19:53.
BeardedTinker MSR-1 Review
BeardedTinker YouTube Video review - MSR-1
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How To Tune mmWave Using HLKRadarTool
Auto-Calibration (Average, Maximum, and Intelligent)1. Download the HLKRadarTool app for either A...
Adding The MiCS-4514 Gas Sensor To The AIR-1
1. Unplug your AIR-1 from power and follow the video
Adding The SCD40 CO2 Sensor To The AIR-1
1. Unplug your AIR-1 from power and remove the back 2. At the bottom center there is a black c...
Adding CO2 To MSR-1
1. Unplug your MSR-1 from power and remove the back 2. Remove the board from the case and orie...
CO2 Calibration For MSR-1
Please refer to the General CO2 Calibration article
Reducing LD2410 Log Entries In Home Assistant
Open your Home Assistant config.yaml Add in this code but use your MSR-1's name logbook: ...
MSR-1 Examples From GitHub
Bluetooth Tracking With AIR-1
Please refer to the general Bluetooth tracking article
Home Assistant Green Unboxing
Apollo Automation Workshop Tour
MSR-1 Automation Guide
AIR-1 Home Assistant Dashboard Examples
CO2 Charts Home Assistant Sensor graph: line type: sensor entity: sensor.apollo_air_1_a79e3...